Special filtration papers, made of glass sub-micron fibres with the required filter class, are used for air filtration of dust particles.
This paper is folded into a stable thread with the optimal height and number of folds with respect to the operating point of a filter. The distance of individual folds of paper is done by separators made of aluminium foil or paper stripes. Filtration thread is inserted into a metal frame without the use of adhesives and sealants and protected from both sides with a protective mesh.
The filter frame is made of steel zinc-plated or stainless metal sheet (on special request). All materials used for filter production are stable up to the minimum temperature of 250°C and do not contain silicone which creates an obstacle in the area of surface protection. Standard installation depths of inserts are 40, 55, 78, 90, 150 and 292 mm without including the depth of sealing on which the rounded rope of 7 mm in diameter made of glass and graphite fibres is normally used.
The main areas of the use of high-temperature filters are in devices for air supply or air circulation for arrestance of fine dust (filter classes F6/F8 according to ČSN EN 779) at high temperatures.
Filter insert, various sizes
Filter medium suitable for high temperatures is locked between the desks made of aluminium metal which also creates the frame of the filter insert.
Filter inserts ULTRANGLAS-H ensure filtration of circulating air in drying zones with temperature of up to 300°C.
ULTRANGLAS-H with maximum operating temperature of up to 300°C complies with the flammability class F1/K1.
Air filtration in drying zones
Filter insert 480 x 480 x 14 mm